What is the Green by 15 Program?

The Green by 15 program is a motivational initiative by Jordan Essentials designed to encourage consultants to reach a personal sales volume (PV) milestone early in the month. This program rewards consultants who achieve this goal by offering exclusive benefits, enhancing their earning potential, and recognizing their achievements.

How to Qualify:
To qualify for the Green by 15 recognition, consultants need to:

✔️Sell $500 in Personal Volume (PV) on or before the 15th of the month.

Benefits of Being Green by 15:

Consultants who meet the Green by 15 goal receive:

✔️Recognition: Achieving Green by 15 status earns recognition in the Jordan Times

✔️Early Access to the following month’s Joyful Jordan Box: Each box is valued at over $40, making this a great deal for consultants to enjoy and share with their customers.

How To Receive Your Green By 15 Joyful Jordan Box:

Special Promotion Codes are sent by email and text to those who achieve Green by 15 on the first business day after the 15th of the month.

The code may be redeemed on the consultant’s next order, which must be a Consultant Order and include items that ship.

Virtual items, web fees, and gift certificates do not qualify for the redemption order.

The code will not work on customer orders or party orders.